A sketchy report by the Air Herald states that “Enthusiastic jailbreakers have been suggested by hacking group Evad3rs not to upgrade to the iOS 7.1 and stay away from it.” The reasons are unknown, but it is being suggested that the team is breaking up.
According to the report in question, the team didn’t provide any solid reason as to why jailbreakers should refrain from getting iOS 7.1, but it most likely has to do with the fact that Apple killed off all known jailbreaks in this particular update. Since iOS 7.1.1 supersedes iOS 7.1, the same warning applies for the newer firmware. It’s also common knowledge that iOS 7.1 poses a battery drain risk, so that’s another thing to look after. Nevertheless, most of the iDevice customer base (and by most I mean almost everyone) is already on iOS 7. The report adds, “...one of the members of it said it seems evad3rs won’t be focusing any more on [iOS 7.1] as a team,” suggesting that the crew is breaking up. This wouldn’t be the first time a dev-team fails to get along and its members move on to work on separate projects.
The notorious Dev-Team, of which famous hacker pod2g was a member, broke up and then got reunited (adding a few new members while losing others) to become the evad3rs. It seems this team has also run its course. Evad3rs team member pod2g tells us "there are no plans of breaking up I am aware of."
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Evad3rs header Image credits to Evad3rs |