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Mar 24, 2014

Nokia X Now Receiving Software Update Version 11.1.1

Nokia X, the very first smartphone in Nokia’s lineup to run under Google’s Android operating system, has already started to receive a new firmware upgrade, it seems.

According to a recent post on Nokia’s support portal, the new software release is available for download over-the-air for the Nokia X devices out there and will land on them as version 11.1.1. Moreover, the company has unveiled that the update is designed to bring along a small set of improvements when compared to what the previously available 10.0.3 software flavor had to offer. Thus, following the update, users will see that they have the option to change the colors for third-party applications and that the overall performance capabilities of their smartphones have been improved as well. As mentioned above, the update will arrive on handsets OTA (over-the-air), which means that users won’t need to connect the device to a computer in order to grab it. “You can simply download and install the update using your phone. Updates are free of charge, but to download the update, you need an internet connection. It is best to use a Wi-Fi connection to avoid mobile data transmission costs,” Nokia explains.

Moreover, the company explains that the installation of this update should not affect the personal files that users have on their devices. Nokia X owners will receive a notification as soon as the new firmware release is available for their devices. When that happens, they should simply hit the download button top grab the update and then they should follow the on-screen prompts to install it. In the event that the new software iteration does not appear on its own, users can also manually check on its availability through going to Settings > About Phone > System updates and hitting the Check now button. The installation process should take around 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Before proceeding, however, users should check that the battery inside their devices has been charged at least at 50 percent, to ensure that it has enough juice to get through the entire process.

Although the update should leave all user files unaltered, it would also be a great idea to back up all data, so as to make sure that no important info is lost in the event that anything goes wrong during installation. For additional info on what software updates for the Nokia X are all about, simply head over to this page on Nokia’s website.

Nokia X
Image credits to Nokia


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