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Mar 9, 2015

WhatsApp Denies Claims of Permanent Bans on Users of Unofficial Clients

Last week a report coming from a developer of an unofficial WhatsApp client claimed the instant messenger developer is not imposing permanent bans on those who use third-party apps.

WhatsApp took similar actions against users of unofficial third-party WhatsApp clients for quite some time, but those bans were only temporarily imposed for just 24 hours. The confusion in the last couple of days on WhatsApp permanent bans stemmed from the fact that the countdown clock which was displayed when opening the application was removed and everyone thought they were permanently banned from using WhatsApp. Even after 24 hours those who received the ban weren't able to use WhatsApp services, but the only reason was the fact that they did not uninstall the third-party apps. While developers of unofficial WhatsApp clients are trying to find anti-ban solutions that would be included in their apps, it looks like WhatsApp has found a way to disable its app from devices who detect third-party party apps like WhatsApp+, WhatsApp Reborn or OgWhatsApp.

Uninstall any third-party WhatsApp clients if you were banned
According to WhatsApp, those who were banned from using its services will be able to use them again from the moment they uninstall these unofficial apps. A WhatsApp official confirmed the information to TechCrunch: “If a user doesn’t uninstall WhatsApp+ then they will continue to be banned until they stop using it. But there is no permanent ban.” So, until those who develop these third-party WhatsApp clients don't find a way to avoid detection, users of these apps will have to uninstall them if they want to continue to use the instant messenger's services.

Bottom line is there's no permanent ban for users of unofficial WhatsApp clients, but you're now required to uninstall them from your device if you want to take advantage of the service.

WhatsApp temporarily banned message
Image credits to WhatsApp


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