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Aug 8, 2012

Nikon Camera with Android-Loaded Leaked Through Indonesian Filing

There should soon be a particularly verbose announcement on the part of Nikon, but serendipity has dictated that the world learn of the subject matter before that came to pass.

Nikon is about to launch a new camera. This would not be all that strange on its own. After all, that's what Nikon does. What is strange, or at the very least unusual enough to warrant our attention, is the choice of operating systems: the camera will run Android. We've heard of Android cameras before, but only as part of concept design schematics and second-hand rumors. In fact, Samsung's “Galaxy Camera” trademark is the only real evidence that the OS will cross over to this device type in the near future, not counting a very small demo at a trade show a couple of years back from a company whose name escapes our minds for the moment. If what Nikon Rumors has uncovered is true, however, then the dawn of such devices is very near indeed.

The Indonesian Communication Agency filed a document on July 31, 2012, one that mentions a certain Nikon Coolpix S800 or S800c compact camera. Equipped with a 3.5-inch OLED display and a 25-250 mm lens, it will run all Google Play apps on Android 2.3. Wi-Fi will provide the web connection necessary for the download of such apps. Whether or not the device can take calls as well is still up the air, but it is believed that the answer to that dilemma is no. Nikon has released camera-phones before, so it would not be out of place for Coolpix S800 / 800s to be one of them, but that is the hint right there: the Coolpix brand has long been the moniker used for Nikon photo and video cameras. We'll be sure to write about the Coolpix S800 or S800c again should it truly be revealed on August 22.

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Image credits to Nikon


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