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Dec 6, 2011

Core i7-3920XM Is Intel’s Fastest Mobile Ivy Bridge CPU to Arrive in 2012

If you have paid close attention to News then you should already be familiar with Intel’s 2012 mobile Ivy Bridge processor lineup and its flagship CPU, the Core i7-3920XM. 

However, I am aware that not all of you may have had the chance of reading our original article (available here) detailing the mobile version of Ivy Bridge, so here we’ll take a quick look at Intel’s most powerful notebook CPU to make its entrance in Q2 of 2012.

This processor is the 2.9GHz clocked Core i7-3920XM, the bigger brother of the current i7-2960XM also featuring quad computing cores and Hyper-Threading support.

As you have certainly noticed, this upcoming CPU is clocked 200MHz higher that the chips is meant to replace in April of 2012, but other changes were also made such as the 100MHz higher Turbo Boost frequency, now 3.8GHz, and the inclusion of the Intel HD 4000 GPU running at 650/1300MHz.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? The only downside to the Core i7-3920XM is that most probably, just like the current 2960XM, this mobile powerhouse will come with a prohibitive price tag, well beyond $1000 US (747 EUR), which will make it a no-go for 99% of notebook users.


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