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Oct 6, 2011

AMD Will Discontinue Its First E-Series APUs in Q4 2011

By the end of this year, AMD plans to retire its first E-series accelerated processing units released at the start of this year, in order to make room in its CPU lineup for a new series of APUs which carry faster operating clock speeds and other minor improvements.

AMD's plans target the single-core E-240 and the dual-core E-350, both of these Fusion chips being built by joining together the out-of-order x86 Bobcat core with a Radeon on-die GPU.

According to Fudzilla, the E-240 can be ordered until mid-Q4 2011 and the last units are scheduled to ship in the second quarter of 2012.

As far as the AMD E-Series E-350 is concerned, this can still be ordered until the end of Q4 2011, and the last shipment date is set at the end of the second quarter of 2012.

The two Brazos APUs will be replaced by the recently released E-300 and E-450 processors, that are based on the same architecture, but come with slightly improved specs.

Just as its name implies, the E-450 is the more advanced of the two APUs as it has an operating clock speed of 1.65GHz and support for DDR3-1333 memory as well as for the Turbo Core technology.

This allows the APU to dynamically increase the frequency of the integrated processing cores and GPU, according to the load placed by the operating system.

Moving to the E-300, this APU was designed to come as a bridge between the current single core E-240 and the dual-core E-350.

As a result, the APU includes dual processing cores based on the Bobcat architecture clocked at 1.3GHz (300MHz lower than the A-350) which are paired together with a Radeon HD 6310 integrated GPU running at 488MHz (492MHz in the E-350), all fitted inside a 18W TDP.


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